the healy apps

The Blue app: HealAdvisor Analyse
This is the app you will use to do the scans.
Please note: There are TWO versions of the blue app. An older version and a newer version. Some people like the older version better. You will know the older version because it is the one that has the thumbprint feature to start the scan.
The Pink app: Healy 2
This is the app you will use to run the programs.
PLEASE NOTE: If you get Bluetooth problems, make sure only one app is open at a time. Say for example, you run a program in the pink app, then open the blue app to do a new scan…and find that the Bluetooth will not work properly. To make it work correctly, close the other app. Use only app at a time.
The Third App: Heal Advisor
This is the app you can use to search symptoms to see suggested programs and also to create protocols linked to a calendar within the app
PLEASE NOTE: There are several ways to choose what program to run:
Do a scan and run the suggested program
Search your symptoms or condition in this app and run the suggested program
Use your intuition! If your gut tells you to run a specific program, trust that feeling (always in life)