do you want to interview erica?
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Erica Derrickson is an influencer who guides people (of all ages) through life. She shows that anything is achievable if you put your mind to it. She shows that it’s ok to make mistakes, no one is perfect. Her videos are full of light and love and the realities of life especially when you live in another country with different cultures and values.
~Helen B
Erica is the modern-day explorer soul searcher who is kind to others and on a quest for peace and enlightenment. She is ready to share so we can also find our peace or live vicariously through her. Her journey is calming and relaxing in so many ways. It helps others to relax and have a little bit of calmness listening to her stories.
~Billie B
Erica is a free-spirited cool chick who inspires others to take chances, go for it, live in the moment, be present. See yourself and others for who they are. For Erica, it’s about the journey and she inspires us all to do the same.
~Sharon K
I've loved Erica for quite a while. She is wholesome and vivacious. Her zest for life is contagious. I enjoy the scenic portion of her videos because I am too elderly to travel to such places and she makes me feel right at home. Peace.
~Dan S
Erica is new to me, but in the few videos I have seen I’m drawn to her complete honesty with what she is feeling. She is a single voice in the maddening crowd that rings true to me. She shows the truth about how it feels to be human experiencing life full-on. Erica is brave enough to do it and share it without filters! I love her and find it so refreshing to know we are all feeling similar emotional highs and lows as we live this life!
~Jimmi FTS
Erica is a free spirit that tries out, says, and does what we all wish we could do and more. Even if I can't always relate I can empathize because she is so likable. When I need an adventure I know I can count on her to share hers.
~Beth W
She’s living what most of us dream of. To do what you’re doing you’re definitely a free-sprit. I know for myself she’s helping me see that no dream is too big. One step at a time & never give up. Oh, and her yoga class was marvelous.
~Shelly LaC
Erica is family! Though we have never met, I often think about her during my day.
A seeker of her unique treasure and a fairy-like guide, to help us, her family discover each of ours.
At the end of many of her videos, right before she throws us kisses, she looks straight into my soul with her amazing blue eyes and asks us a hard question. A question makes you pause, assess, ponder and usually I act!
Her comfort with who she is and a strong sense of self is what made me start but, the lessons in gratitude, appreciation, healthy body/healthy mind, YOGA keeps me coming back!! Namaste
~Linda Felder

Erica is the perfect blend of entertainment and information. I came across her videos at a time when I needed both. She inspires me to be my best self because it is what she seems to strive for. She is also very consistent and open. She can make us feel we are with her on these adventures and journeys. Thank you for you being you, Erica.
~ Patricia L
You inspired me to do things that I had put in the past. I love your fresh way of relating to your surroundings, always teaching and using your own moments of enlightenment as a teaching tool.
She takes her viewers on hikes, shopping in town, meeting new friends. I have found a community after following her to Guatemala. I love her enthusiasm her love for the simple things.
~ Goldie R
She has a great capacity as a storyteller- a storyteller of truths. She is flexible in her journeying, inquisitive, and willing to share her process in the glory and the mess with a steady undercurrent of self-acceptance; even with the moments of non-acceptance!
~ Gee S
What we get out of her videos is a bit like spiritual coaching where she challenges us all to be the best we can be and create a life that we love.
She reminds us to do good things for our souls, and that we are all loved and important. And that no matter where you are now in life, we can grow and always learn new things.
She teaches us to look after ourselves and our spiritual hearts. She makes us happy.
~ Deirdre R
Erica is someone I found by happy accident on FB. But, as we all know there are no "accidents" and I was meant to see her video that day. As soon as I started watching her, I felt her light radiating outward. At the end of that video I was crying, because I felt like she was talking directly to me. Like she knew just what I needed in that moment! She connected to me! Her passion to help others by sharing her personal stories and her path through life is so inspiring and encouraging. We all are on a journey! Having someone there sharing helps you as you navigate your own path. She's such a caring, open, honest genuine spirit. I love watching her videos, I always leave feeling uplifted and peaceful. Erica, you’re a beautiful soul and a gift to all.
~ Jaimee D
I get to live vicariously through Erica’s adventures and hear her words and follow her practices to plug them into my life. I love my family and my children but I also long for travel and exploration. I have made the choices I have and I love having a soul like hers out there living her dreams and sharing them with the world....makes it possible to say "yes" in a world that feels a lot like "no".
~ Kristin A
Erica is strong and steadfast on her journey to self-discovery. Holding close to her a brightly lit microscope to peer into those darkest corners. Erica is honest and real a true breath of fresh air. Listening to her podcasts and watching her videos remind me of who I am and what I love. Watching Erica helps bring that back into my life from reminding me to think of my foundations ie. food , to checking in with myself when I’m feeling critical of others therefore of myself. Erica is so honest with her audience that there is hardly a place we don’t visit at one point or another.
~ Sunny S
I have followed Erica since she had her website about working as an actress. She has always been earnest in everything she was working on. She helped many people in the acting business. I have followed her in her many journeys. I view her as an empath. She has a good heart. I think she is a very honest person
~ Bill D
Erica is a straight cat. She follows her intuition to take the right path in her life. She is an inspiration to others start to be braver in their journey of life.
~ Irenka P
Erica is a very brave, down-to-earth, adventurous, and emotionally mature woman with an "old" soul. She has a unique talent for capturing attention and keeps the conversation very engaging with her charm and beauty. When Erica is in front of the camera she makes the rest of the world disappear and makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world that matters. She is very loving, positive, and productive. She is always making the day interesting with life lessons, anxiety coaching, life hacks, and health tips. Every time I watch her I’m glued and I always learn something in this journey of the soul we are on. Love you, Erica!
~ Peter T
She is amazing. Erica is on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing while encouraging others to do the same. She’s a yogi, hummingbird lover, minimalist, and traveler.
~Heather B
Erica to me is an inspirational teacher of self-love and compassion. She creates a window to what is possible when you let go and live in the moment. Erica has helped me look within for my own truths and wisdom on this journey in life. It’s incredibly humbling to watch her journey as she teaches mindfulness to all that are willing to open their hearts and listen.
What people should know about Erica is: she loves to give and take care of others, she loves all fauna and flora, she will share her highs and lows that are eye-opening, relatable, and honest. She is like the best friend you’ve always wanted but has never actually met!
3 words: open-minded, motivational, and creative!
What makes her different is her ability to connect and draw me in, to speak to me as if we have known each other in a different dimension
~ Lotus R
Erica helps me help myself and feel grounded. Her words are so wise and full of information to help us think. She has such a calming way about herself. Often when listening to her I realize something I had no idea about. Thanks for letting us follow your journey!
~ Tina B
To me, Erica is a mermaid, author, content creator, and faith ambassador. She’s also a volunteer and a community resource navigator in the sense she’s always trying to help animals and people in her community.
From watching her I gain an insight into traveling. I learn that there is a bigger world out there, to take risks, and that we don’t always need to play it safe.
It feels important for me to watch her videos because I don’t currently live for me. I live for my responsibilities (ie. children, family, pets, husband, job, etc). One day I hope to live for myself and take more risks. She shows me there is another way. I don’t have to follow society’s way of how to live my life.
What should people know about her?
She’s a best-selling author!
~ Tara W
Erica is a brave young woman, facing her shadow with vulnerability and truth. The Feminine energy of Mother Earth calls her soul purpose to embrace their oneness. She shares without insecurity, yet insecurity is her gift. The raw beauty of a soul journey.
~ Rebecca R
Erica is an adventurer in many ways. She not only shares her outward travels with us but also her inward discoveries too! Her enlightened perspective & thought processes have educated me. Sometimes you must entertain new ideas while appreciating the past --- her kind yet gentle nature opens our minds to receive new lessons on life.
~ Marcia R
Erica is earnestly seeking; a vivacious and adventuresome young woman. Inspirational and authentic with a keen eye for nature's beauty and her voice.
~ Sandra C
Erica is an inspiration to keep grounding myself. She inspires me to be more willing and outgoing, to learn as much as I can, to experience life instead of it passing you by. Her attraction radiates from within her soul and she stands up for herself because she knows she is a warrior that’s worth it! She helps me choose to be more conscious of the environment and how I can help in my small ways. I love watching her videos, she is so smart and brave. All the things she’s had to endure is what made her as she is before us, it may not have been easy, but you’re still standing tall Erica, own that;) keep learning, never look back (except for reminiscing the good times) and keep shining your Light!
~ Stars N S
Erica is my inner self. She is the person I want to be. To be able to pack up and leave America behind to catch the inner peace of being yourself, not caring what others think, and watching the beautiful things of other places. I live an imaginary peaceful life when I see her videos and lives. Oh, how I wish I was brave enough to just walk away from things!
~ Nina H
Erica is my Zen in the evenings when I wind down from a long day at work!
I love it when she shares her amazing life tips!
~ Blanche K
She is an amazing, goddess, that has taught me to just be my true self without apology. I love her videos they help me escape into a place of peace, inspiring me to keep my faith alive that if I believe I can achieve no matter how little I have. She is a beautiful soul, healer and mostly she is very humble.
~ Mary De S
She’s a dream chaser, a beautiful, inspiring, health-conscious, determined beautiful soul who’s documented her travels and inspired so many to follow their dreams and to live their best life.
~ Robin W
She is courageous, honest (even with herself, which is kinda rare these days), she has a heartfelt desire to make your little piece of the world a better place. She has taught herself the ability to be present in the moment. She inspires me to want to do these things as well.
~ Nicole C W
Empowerment. Positivity. Gaining the ability and giving myself permission to trust my gut to walk through this life with strength and being grounded to myself and the earth and the people I cross paths with.
~ Kaylin L
She is my friend even though we haven't met. I have learned how to be happier with myself and my day. I miss her when she’s not streaming. I live through her adventures. My life has changed for the better. She is better than any antidepressant for me. Her voice is soothing. She reminds me of myself.
~ Susan R A
I have been struggling and overthinking and when I watch Erica's videos I learned a little bit about the precious stones and what day do to help the body mind and soul. Learning about different vegetable flowers and just seeing Erica with such a great zest for life just captivates me and motivates me to stay focused and driven and better myself and she is helping me.
~ Stan N
Erica to me is a human that walks to the beat of her own drum and inspires other women to do the same. She inspires others to be themselves in their own beautiful imperfection and to realize that you can make your dreams come true. Just never give up. I've watched Erica going on for 4 years now. Watching her growth and development is an inspiration to many that you can have absolutely nothing and still live an amazing existence if you have the courage to grasp it. I love her because she's a beautiful soul walking her Human experience with love and humility.
~ Dawn N
Erica is real. Erica is honorable. Erica shows you her progress in a real way that feels obtainable to us watching. She helps my mental health she helps me to remember that I am worthy just the way I am she’s a life coach she’s an Inspirer. She lets us see other ways of living from the comfort of our own homes.
~ Krista C

She is calm, yet rocky at times, and a force so strong and awesome. I have watched and have loved her everything!
~ Brenda B
Erica is work in progress, With her ups and downs. This journey may make her more sensitive to those who struggle.
~ Benny O'C
Erica is a spiritual lightworker shining her light into the world, on her own healing journey, and sending and helping others listen to her positive vibes and ideas helping others.
~ Edel Q
A beautiful soul who is on a journey to be her best self, along the way she shares her travels and inner self with the purpose of helping others. Very happy living a simple life, with a heart of gold helping others. Americans don't know how fortunate they are. She is so humble. Tells it like it is, reality.
~ Carol S
You radiate gratitude and positively in every video ive watched. To me ... You are my guru in a way. I just happen to catch a live or a video when im stressed. Your presences is calming. And i always am relaxed after watching you.
~ Brandi G
Erica’s talents and gifts that she shares are many. For me she taps into a part of myself that is always in hiding, a part of myself that I have never allowed out to play. Seeing her genuine love for new adventures, and care for everything and everyone, I cherish. I love seeing her enthusiasm and full on compassion to gobble up every moment in life and that inspires me.
She embodies my lost soul and puts it out in the world!
~ Carole S
I enjoy Erica’s passion and striving for a better life. Her courage to follow these passions has been a pleasure to watch. Of course, her beauty and honesty are up there too with her best qualities. She’s shown me a world I could only ever dream to live in, watching her I feel I am already there. I have followed her for a few years now and will continue to do so. She has a true gift and we just know she will achieve great things in the future! I look much forward to see it all unfold.
~ Carol M
I like watching her videos because it reminds me to be true to myself, to stay in touch with nature, and to always look for the good things in life that make you happy. She is an inspiration!
~ Renee R
She is a beautiful person inside and out. She gives so freely without a second thought. She shares her life with us and we learn so much about Guatemalan children and people. I’ve been following her for a while now and I feel like I’m living a dream through her! She’s an inspiration and I admire everything about her. I can’t wait to see what she does with her land and how she will incorporate it into helping others.
~ Shelly A J
I love watching you because she is a free spirit. She isn’t tied down to a 9 to 5 job. She can go and do whatever she wants daily, and you take us with you on your journey. She is brave and doesn’t let the bad things in this world stop her. I envy her and I wish I was more courageous to try new things and places.
~ Della E G
Erica is a “self-discovery journalist”. Being real and present in every moment sets her apart from others. She exposes her true self on good days, bad days, and verbally works through feelings and most importantly solutions. The honesty and realism of her feelings and journey is what magnetizes me. I watch every day. Her will to show up in the most difficult of times is extremely inspiring. Handling criticism and still pushing through, cultivating resilience and self-worth. To be at one with your authentic self is the journey we are witnessing and learning.
~ Debbie McL
It is good to have many teachers. Our minds resonate with what connects us. Think in school the 1-3 teachers that helped accelerate your learning. This is Erica to me.
~Tracy C
I like her self-reflections - they help me look into myself on deeper levels. Sometimes it’s like she takes us all through your life-changing experiences and it helps us who can't travel due to other responsibilities that keep us at home.
~ Star S
Being one of the few males commenting I have to say that her eyes do the talking and the warm soothing voice can sell whatever she’s thinking.
~ Michael E
Erica is following her dream and staying on her path. She doesn't let setbacks or the influence of others sway her from her true calling...this is an inspiration.
~ Gerri P